Saturday, December 10

Iceland is the theme. Make a fun reindeer frame, write a letter to santa and make a cute reindeer spatula FREE!
Sign up to build the coal car, part of the 2011 Train.
You have to pre-register for this one but the kids love it.
Sunday, December 11
Japan is the theme. Create a snowman and S'mores ornament and make an origami snowflake.
Saturday, December 17

Mexico is the theme. Create a luggage tag, a holiday card and a cookbook.
Monday, December 19

Michael's Make & Take - Camille's Fun Dough Shapes 11a-1p
This must be for smaller children since my kids are in school at this time.
Wednesday, December 21

Michael's Make & Take - Orion's Foam Block Stamping 11a-1p
Another weekday event?
Saturday,December 24

Friday, December 30

Michael's Make & Take - Gert's Tissue Paper Crafting
Saturday, December 31

Now Through December 24

Photos with Santa, crafts, games and activities. Check the site for your local store's schedule.
Saturday, January 7
Home Depot Kids Workshop - Savings Shed
What a cute idea to start the new year. Show your kids how to save money by creating a free bank.
Saturday, January 7

What a cute idea to start the new year. Show your kids how to save money by creating a free bank.
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