ALL YOU - Monthly Giveaways
HGTV Product of the Day
Womens Day Sweeps
Estee Lauder Shopping Spree (1 winner, monthly)
Hostess San Diego Vacation (1 winner, ends 4/30/09)
Long John Silvers Beach Ready (1000+ winners, ends 5/08/09)
Animal Planet (3000+ winners, ends 5/8/09)
Essence Music Festival (1 winner, ends 5/10/09)
Fuel Up The Family (1000+ winners, ends 5/31/09)
Combos (2500+ winners, ends 5/31/09)
Oprah Spring Ahead (4000+ winners, ends 5/31/09)
Eye on Idol (16 winners, ends 6/1/09)
The Maids (2100+ winners, ends 6/14/09)
Secret Flawless Diamond Giveaway (9 winners, ends 6/30/09)
Health Valley Spa Giveaway (1100+ winners, ends 6/30/09)
Caress Gift Card (40 winners, ends 6/30/09)
Jelly Belly (2000+ winners, ends 7/31/09)
PACE (120000+ winners, ends 7/31/09)
ZAGAT (10000+ winners, ends 10/05/09)
Elle Decor $10000 Gievaway (90 winners, ends 12/31/09)
Dunkin Donuts Coffee for a Year (12 winners, ends 12/31/09)
Uniroyal Soccer Ball Giveaway (54 winners, ends 12/31/09)

  1. Organic Gardening Magazine
  2. Free USB FLash Drive
  3. TENA Serenity Pads
  4. Bayers Glucometer
  5. Aveeno Nourish
  6. L'Oreal RevitaLift
  7. Competitive Society Notapad and Pen
  8. Evol Burritos

Walmart Freebies

  1. Aveeno Shampoo
  2. Huggies Pure and Natural Diapers
  3. Song Download - Kaboose - Excuse Me
  4. Better Than Ears - dog treats
  5. John Frieda Shampoo
Stop by a KFC on Monday, April 27 and ask for your
No coupon is required.
Participating locations are
handing out this new menu item all day today.

Walmart Freebies

Directory Assistance
Dial 1-800-GOOG-411 for directory info from
Google and skip the $1.75 you'd typically pay.
You can also text a name, city, and state to GOOGL (46645)
and get the digits back via text
(freebie bonus if you have an unlimited texting plan).

11 Lowes Build and Grow Project- build a Birdhouse! 10 - 11
11 Michaels - Science Demo 1 - 3
18 Michaels - Spring Family Event FREE project
21 Ben & Jerry's national Free Cone Day
23 Take Your Kids to Work Day
29 Baskin Robins 31 cent scoop night to support America’s firefighters
with a $100,000 donation to the National Volunteer Fire Council
National Junior Firefighter Program. 5pm-10pm

ALL YOU - Monthly Giveaways
HGTV Product of the Day
Womens Day Sweeps

Estee Lauder Shopping Spree (1 winner, monthly)
Fiber Friends Sweepstakes (1000 winners, ends 4/11/09)
Hunt for Yellow (41,000+ winners, ends 4/13/09)
Cotton Wardrobe (1 winner, ends 4/13/09)
Subway (11,000+ winners, ends 4/19/09)

Calypso Studios Reusable Tote Giveaway (1500 winners, ends 4/22/09)

Hostess San Diego Vacation (1 winner, ends 4/30/09)

Long John Silvers Beach Ready (1000+ winners, ends 5/08/09)
Animal Planet (3000+ winners, ends 5/8/09)

Essence Music Festival (1 winner, ends 5/10/09)
Fuel Up The Family (1000+ winners, ends 5/31/09)
Combos (2500+ winners, ends 5/31/09)
Eye on Idol (16 winners, ends 6/1/09)
The Maids (2100+ winners, ends 6/14/09)
Secret Flawless Diamond Giveaway (9 winners, ends 6/30/09)
Health Valley Spa Giveaway (1100+ winners, ends 6/30/09)
Caress Gift Card (40 winners, ends 6/30/09)
Jelly Belly (2000+ winners, ends 7/31/09)
PACE (120000+ winners, ends 7/31/09)
ZAGAT (10000+ winners, ends 10/05/09)
Elle Decor $10000 Gievaway (90 winners, ends 12/31/09)
Dunkin Donuts Coffee for a Year (12 winners, ends 12/31/09)
Uniroyal Soccer Ball Giveaway (54 winners, ends 12/31/09)

  1. Free Hallmark Card - use code trial at checkout and select mail it for me
  2. Earthbound Farms - reusable bags giveaway

Two very different questions.
If you answered no to either of these check out this awsome new website I've discovered and yes, it's FREE.
Boost your culinary skills with tutorials at, where experts demo everything from making coq au vin to mixing a caipirinha.
Learn how to prepare just about anything for FREE.
You can even subscribe (for Free) to get
e-mails with new recipes, updates and ideas.
How great is that.

We all know people who give of themselves without asking or wanting anything in return. Now you can send them a "thank you" email and raise money for the American Red Cross at the same time. The Curél® Skincare team will donate $1 to the American Red Cross (up to $10,000 total) for every dedication email YOU send. It couldn't be easier!

In addition, the Curél® Skincare team has made a pledge of $250,000 to the American Red Cross in support of the life-sustaining work they do around the world.


4 Home Depot - Window Birdhouse 9 - 12
4 Michaels - Monsters vs. Aliens FREE project 10 - 2
11 Lowes Build and Grow Project- At Lowe's your child can build a
cool Birdhouse! 10 - 11
11 Michaels - Science Demo 1 - 3
18 Michaels - Spring Family Event FREE project
23 Take Your Kids to Work Day
29 Baskin Robins 31 cent scoop night to support America’s firefighters
with a $100,000 donation to the National Volunteer Fire Council
National Junior Firefighter Program. 5pm-10pm
ALL YOU - Monthly Giveaways

HGTV Product of the Day
Womens Day Sweeps
Estee Lauder Shopping Spree (1 winner, monthly)
Fiber Friends Sweepstakes (1000 winners, ends 4/11/09)
Hunt for Yellow (41,000+ winners, ends 4/13/09)
Cotton Wardrobe (1 winner, ends 4/13/09)
Subway (11,000+ winners, ends 4/19/09)
Hostess San Diego Vacation (1 winner, ends 4/30/09)
Long John Silvers Beach Ready (1000+ winners, ends 5/08/09)

Animal Planet (3000+ winners, ends 5/8/09)
Fuel Up The Family (1000+ winners, ends 5/31/09)
Combos (2500+ winners, ends 5/31/09)
Eye on Idol (16 winners, ends 6/1/09)
The Maids (2100+ winners, ends 6/14/09)
Secret Flawless Diamond Giveaway (9 winners, ends 6/30/09)
Health Valley Spa Giveaway (1100+ winners, ends 6/30/09)
Caress Gift Card (40 winners, ends 6/30/09)
Jelly Belly (2000+ winners, ends 7/31/09)
PACE (120000+ winners, ends 7/31/09)
ZAGAT (10000+ winners, ends 10/05/09)
Elle Decor $10000 Gievaway (90 winners, ends 12/31/09)
Dunkin Donuts Coffee for a Year (12 winners, ends 12/31/09)

Uniroyal Soccer Ball Giveaway (54winners, ends 12/31/09)